Are you wanting to cut toxins out and follow a more natural path?
Well, in our humble opinion, the bedroom is the best place to start.
You spend around a third of your day here, often keeping company with nasty
toxins hiding in plain sight. But don’t fret, because whether they’re messing with
your sleep, your body, or your health, we’ve got some easy solutions to help
detoxify your bedroom.
Unplug the appliances

You’ve probably heard it before, but we’re going to say it again:
as much as possible, keep electronics out of the bedroom. Studies have shown
that exposure to EMFs - or electromagnetic fields - via your devices can affect
you in a number of ways. From interfering with your body’s natural circadian
create a range of problems that can be avoided.
So when it comes to the bedroom, here’s a few hot tips:
1. Your phone will only emit mild EMF radiations, but if it’s on your bedside table,
it's best to pop it on Airplane mode overnight. If you can bear to be apart,
try keeping it in the next room (this will also ensure you actually get up for your
morning alarm too!)
2. Aim to avoid electric blankets - or only use them for 15-minutes prior to bed,
then switch them off at the wall.
3. Make sure your bed isn’t backed up to a wall where there are electrical
objects on the other side. If it is, you may want to play around with
the layout and swap the bed to the other side.
4. If you have other electronics in the room, consider what is essential and
what can be be removed or unplugged when it’s time to hit the hay.
Clear the clutter
We don’t know about you, but when drifting off to sleep, the last thing we want to
see is all the ‘stuff’ we need to clean up the next day. Similarly, waking up to
clutter and chaos doesn’t exactly set the tone for a clear, focused mental state.
When it comes to detoxing your bedroom, getting your ‘Marie Kondo’ on is a
brilliant way to support your wellbeing.
Clutter has been shown to bolster your stress hormones, while a
clutter-free home can help lift a person’s physical activity and overall health.
Have a look around your bedroom and ask yourself what you actually need in
there. Do you really need all the knick-knacks on the bedside table?
Is it possible to store clothes inside a wardrobe rather than scattered around the
Do you have things on the floor around the room?
When it comes to the bedroom, back to basics is best.
Improve your air quality
Ventilation helps keep mould at bay, clear out stale air and allergens, and get rid
of air pollutants. So it’s especially important in your bedroom, given studies have
shown that rooms with better air circulation had lower carbon dioxide levels,
plus the people sleeping in them reported feeling better-rested,
with improved concentration levels.
So how can we pump more fresh air in? Simple - open a window.
In fact, open a few! Let the air circulate during the day when you’re out at
work/not in the bedroom, and consider getting an air-intake fan or HEPA air
purifier to filter dust and allergens. Vacuum regularly to keep the air clear,
and look at the toxins in your room that could be removed, such as artificial air
fresheners, sprays, and toxic paraffin candles.
Try making your own air freshener or diffusing essential oils instead to clear the
air, relax your mind, and keep yourself safe from toxic chemicals.
Freshen up your bedding game
When shopping for bed sheets, doona covers, pillowcases, and accessories,
be sure to opt for products made with non-toxic materials, to aid in creating a
natural sleeping environment.
Your standard mattress is likely to contain synthetic materials that release
chemicals like formaldehyde and flame-retardants into your breathing zone at
night. Other research shows the average pillow can be home to dust mites,
mould, other fungi, cockroach particles, and microplastic dust when made of
synthetic materials - all of which gets released into your breathing space while
you sleep.
Give natural bedding materials a go, such as linen, hemp, bamboo, wool,
and organic cotton, with the key word being ‘organic’ so as to avoid pesticides
look for options made from sustainable, 100% natural materials, like latex and
wool. Not to toot our own horn, but The Natural Bedding Company uses only
natural material, free from chemicals, ethically-sourced, anti-bacterial and dust
mite-resistant. If mattresses aren’t in your budget right now, focus on the
bedding and even a mattress topper. Swapping out these toxins in your bed will
be a game changer for your sleep and overall wellbeing.
Switch to natural detergent
So we’ve talked about bedding materials, but what about the products you use
to wash them? If you’re keen on creating a low tox bedroom, consider swapping
your laundry detergent to a low tox one so you keep your sheets clear of any
carefully-vetted products that are free from nasty toxins, dangerous
chemicals, or artificial fragrances.
The same goes for the cleaning products you use to wipe the dresser or clean
the windows. Have you looked into the ingredients list on the back?
If you’re after a cheat sheet of what to avoid in cleaning products,
we recommend downloading the ‘Chemical Maze’
app to check what’s really in your products.
Go green
Ah, plants - is there anything they aren’t good at? Indoor plants are fantastic at
purifying your air and reducing indoor air pollutants, including toluene,
benzene and formaldehyde, and they can also reduce excess noise in your
space by absorbing or reflecting sound. On top of that, studies show that
having plants in your space can reduce stress, increase feelings of happiness,
and pump up your productivity, while lowering mental fatigue.
Look into plants like the Snake Plant (or Mother-In-Law’s Tongue) for its low
maintenance, low-light requirements and its killer reputation for air purifying,
the Fiddle Leaf Fig, for its help controlling humidity, and the Rubber Plant,
with large leaves that eliminate bacteria and mould spores in the air.
Putting the spotlight on bedroom toxins can be confronting,
but by gradually introducing change into your bedroom environment,
you’ll feel a drastic change in your sleep and wellbeing.
From clutter to detergents, bedding to air quality, take the time to explore your bedroom and see what life-altering changes you
could begin making.