We’re just going to say it - mums are worth their weight (and then some) in gold. They look after us, raise us, and teach us everything we need to know. They know how long to boil pasta for, how to prepare for a job interview, and how long it takes to drive pretty much anywhere. And when it comes down to it, mothers tend to put their families first.
For that very reason, we think they deserve more. A mother’s wellbeing doesn’t have to take a backseat to ensure everyone around her is looked after. So we’ve compiled some of the best ways to nurture the mums in your life. Whether it’s your own mum, the mother of your children, your grandma, best friend, or sister - it’s time we took the mindfulness of Mother’s Day and kept it going all year round.
Cook meals for mum
And no, we don’t just mean the token breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day! When it comes to household chores, mums do an overwhelming share. So take the meal you whip out for special occasions, and put it firmly in the weekly roster of meals.
Take a look at your respective workloads, then divide and conquer on the cooking front. If your kids are old enough, get them involved in the nightly meal prep too, giving them some skills of their own and teaching them that mum’s time and energy is just as valuable.
If it’s a friend or family member who needs a little extra support, then you won’t find a better received gift than a home cooked meal. Our suggestion? Bake double quantities so your friend can freeze one for later.
Support her sleep
If the mum in your life has a new bub in hers, then sleep is something she’ll be lacking. And if not, you can bet most mums can still use some extra rest, thanks to all the work, care, and mental loads they’re managing. You might not be able to completely absolve her of childcare, but there’s still buckets of support you can offer to give your special mum some TLC of their own.
If you’re co-parenting - and your child isn’t breastfeeding - then consider the ways you can share the nighttime childcare. You could split duties of who gets up each night, or for mums who are lacking sleep, a spare bedroom and a night to herself can work wonders.
If you’re looking for ways to support mum’s wellbeing without the overnight responsibilities, sleep can still be aided. Drop in on your friend and babysit for an hour, giving her the chance to take an afternoon nap. Or swing by in the morning and take their little ones for a walk so she can nick back to bed for some extra peace and quiet.
And because we love a good natural bedding treat, you can always surprise your mum with some lush French Linen sheets, Organic latex pillows or a cosy Organic Wool Quilt. Those alone will transform the quality of sleep.
Share the mental load
This is a big one for all the mothers out there! The term ‘mental load’ refers to the invisible labor involved in managing a household or family, and you guessed it - it typically falls on women's shoulders. Things like the size of kid’s clothing, when after-school activities are on, whose birthday party is coming up, and when the last dentist appointment was.
Women - especially mothers - take on the bulk of this invisible labour. So it makes sense that one of the best ways to support a mother’s wellbeing is by dividing and conquering this work.
Make the home life more cohesive by keeping a family planner, where everyone’s daily activities, assignment deadlines, and appointments are mapped out. This way everyone in the house can stay up-to-date and support each other with staying organised.
Hang your planner somewhere central, and keep a shared digital calendar to help coordinate and share responsibilities with your partner or household. Another way to share the load is by establishing a set washing schedule for sheets, clothes, and towels - one that everyone can take ownership of - so that certain days stay free of this chore, and whoever’s doing the washing doesn’t have to chase for dirty clothes. If the kids in your home are old enough, you can also create a simple lunchbox formula, giving them the tools to make their own school lunches and taking added pressure off mum.
Find some solo time for mum
Things like family events, Saturday sport, and doctors appointments get locked into the calendar without a second thought. But so often, mothers sacrifice their own wellbeing and passions to fit everything else into their schedule. So another way you can support your mum - or any mum in your life - is to help her carve out some time for herself.
As a mum, it’s vital to ensure you’re caring for yourself as well as your family. Whether it’s a gym or yoga class, a weekly coffee with a friend, or just a couple of hours alone to read a book or take a bath, these are the things that should be regularly added to your routine. When planning for the week ahead, pop these solo activities and self-care sessions into the calendar as well. Then try your best to keep the date, just as you would for any other appointment.
If you’re supporting a mother who’s trying to prioritise her needs, find ways to support this by taking on any meal prep, childcare or domestic duties - because things still need to get done without her. To show up for friends or family members with kids, you could offer to help with school pick-up, keep her motivated as an exercise buddy, or as a fellow parent, schedule regular playdates to give each other some solo time.
Lastly, ASK what the mum in your life needs help with. Then find a way to make that happen.
Create positive household rituals
A mother’s wellbeing isn’t just about cooking a meal or helping her get to a yoga class - it’s also about her mental and emotional wellbeing. As a family, your support for your mum could be as simple as creating a nightly gratitude ritual, where everyone shares something they’re grateful for over dinner. Depending on what stage of life your family is at, you could start a morning routine where you go for a walk together, practice a few minutes of meditation, or say some positive affirmations out loud.
Another beautiful way to boost mum’s mental wellbeing is to make personalised gratitude boxes; throughout the week, your family - and any friends or family visiting - can drop little notes of appreciation into the box, so mum has something to read through when she needs a mood boost. Households can even make one for everyone to share this ritual together. It also helps you notice what you’re grateful for - and to see your mum’s value beyond just what she does for others.
Make Mother’s Day every day
The official acknowledgement of mothers might just be once a year, but that doesn’t mean we save all our appreciation for one day. Instead, take small, regular steps to support the mums in your life and give them a chance to feel special. We’ve come a long way in sharing the work of raising families, but it’s still the norm for mums to take on a huge chunk of that workload.
By showing up through shared household jobs, prioritising mum’s personal time, and lending an extra hand when she needs it, mothers can build a stronger, more nurtured state of wellbeing. And what better way to honour mum than by helping her enjoy the full, happy, and healthy life she deserves?